application process
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV or WISC-V)
Woodcock-Johnson IV Normative Update (NU) Tests of Achievement
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT-III)
We require a neuro-psych assessment or a school district psycho-educational evaluation report that includes both composite and subtest scores (standard and percentile ranks). The following subtests or their equivalent must be provided with a student application:
What you do
Get a feel for us by reading the website. Please read Who We Serve if you are unsure about whether or not our school can fully meet your child's educational needs.​​
1) Take a school tour
What happens on a tour? Tours will begin with a 30-minute presentation highlighting the key methodologies, supports, and expertise North Bridge Academy offers. Following the presentation, parents will observe a class lesson. The tour concludes with Q&A and an overview of the next steps in the admission process. The total time of the tour is one hour and a half. Please click the 'Take A Tour' button above to schedule a tour.
2) Submit the Following Application MateriaLS:
Submit required application documents (after attending a school tour):
Completed ap plication along with $100 application fee (after attending a tour, you will be invited to apply through our admission's website, Open Apply).
Neuro-psych assessment results and/or school district psycho-educational evaluation report (if applicable). ​​If you need a referral to a psychologist, our Resources section of this website provides referrals to psychologists who are licensed to complete full neuro-psychological assessments.​
(If Applicable) Request information about financial awards (please read more in Tuition Assistance).
What we do
​​January 26 to mid-February - Each applicant’s documentation is carefully reviewed by our admissions team and learning specialist to determine our ability to fully meet their needs. Be sure to read the Who We Serve section of the website to understand who our program can best serve and the services we do not have the skill set to provide. NOTE: Financial Aid applications are due Jan. 19, 2024.
Mid-February to early March - The decision to enroll at North Bridge Academy is an important one. We want you to get to know us and we want to know you better. During this month, prospective students will join us for a two-day shadow visit during which they will participate in all school activities. Prospective parents are invited to attend a prospective parent coffee to meet current parents and hear from them first-hand about why they chose North Bridge Academy.
March – Our team convenes regularly to make final admissions placement decisions, determine financial awards, facilitate conversations between prospective parents, current parents and/or alum and answer questions or supply additional information to prospective parents.
March 15 - We announce placement decisions by email by 4pm.
The North Bridge Academy School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Please see the Summer section of the website for important summer school dates.