welcome from the head of school
13 SEP
annie crowder
Welcome to North Bridge Academy,
Having led small, private schools for the past 25 years, it is my
privilege to be the Head of School at North Bridge Academy, a school founded on the principle that dyslexic learners learn best when provided with multi-sensory, sequential, phonics-based instruction.

At North Bridge Academy, our Slingerland experts work in concert with our special education teachers and enrichment class teachers to support each student’s unique needs. Our students come to us having struggled in other private or public school settings, where they may have felt marginalized, exhausted, and defeated. Here, all students receive the intensive, evidence-based instruction that they need to progress academically, while also being surrounded by a staff who support their social-emotional and executive function needs. Their many strengths as dyslexic learners are also supported through our math, STEAM, art, and theater arts classes.
Daily, I am in awe of the perseverance, resilience, and work ethic of our students. They are kind, empathic, bright, and creative children, who are happy to be a part of a school community where they feel understood, supported, and included.
Personally and professionally, I value diversity, transparency, collaborative decision-making, and authenticity. I am deeply committed to ensuring that every member of the North Bridge Academy community is safe, happy, appreciated, and thriving. Whether you are a current or prospective parent, my door is always open to you.
Your Head of School,
Annie Crowder