our story
Our Story
Responding to an unmet need….
Karen Rosenquist founded North Bridge Academy in 2015 because she saw the
need for a school in Marin dedicated to teaching dyslexic learners the way they
learn best in an environment that celebrates their strengths as well as remediates their differences.
Bringing her business and entrepreneurial skills to bear, Karen sought out specialized teachers, a school facility and students. In 2015, a crucial introduction to Priya Tjerandsen was made. Priya’s exceptional expertise in assessing and remediating students with dyslexia was key to communicating the efficacy of specialized instruction to prospective parents. Together, with teachers Emma Elizalde and Hannah-Grace Porter, North Bridge Academy welcomed its inaugural class of 17 students, grades 3-6, in Larkspur in 2016.
Cultivating community…
Since its founding in 2015, North Bridge Academy has provided transformative educational experiences for students with dyslexia and their families. Over the last six years, North Bridge Academy has continued to grow steadily and mindfully.
2017 – North Bridge Academy expanded to 30 students and added a 7th-grade cohort.
2018 – North Bridge Academy enrollment grew to 46 students and expanded to 8th grade. Full-time faculty grew from four to eight. Its first cohort of 8th-grade students graduated.
2019 – North Bridge Academy secured a new location in the bucolic, charming community of Mill Valley. Annie Crowder was hired as Head of School.
2020 – Amidst the Covid 19 pandemic, North Bridge Academy provided a full academic year of core curriculum in both hybrid and in-person modalities. Our solid fiscal position allowed us to flex and keep our program going and our students learning online or in-person.
2020-2024 – Since coming out of the pandemic, our program is again in full swing. We have expanded bus service to include San Rafael, San Francisco and communities in between. Our inaugural class has gone to colleges from Cal Poly, Colorado College, and Boston University, providing evidence that our program is effective and that students with dyslexia can achieve their academic dreams.
North Bridge Academy Today...
NBA is dedicated to teaching our students the way they learn best in an environment that celebrates their strengths as well as remediates their differences. Our program has evolved and expanded. Our solid fiscal position affords us the opportunity to partner with experts in social-emotional learning, test preparation, human development, anxiety management, and executive function. As we expand, so do the opportunities for our students to discover their strengths and find new outlets for their imagination, problem-solving skills and empathy. We like to say we are a small school with big plans.