school life
13 SEP
We believe that North Bridge Academy should be your school of choice because we offer specialized instruction but also because your child experiences a complete school experience anchored in a satisfying connection to their fellow students and to the teachers and staff. Spirit days, community and classroom celebrations, art, theatre, Maker classes, team sports, school assemblies, clubs and outdoor education all contribute to a robust school community.
Caring and respect characterize our community. Classroom agreements and shared expectations for a healthy supportive community combined with restorative justic practices set a positive school culture. We express our gratitude often and reinforce that everyone has a responsibility to care of themselves, their family and their community.
Finally, we are unabashedly pro-Narwhals! In fact, we are the North Bridge Narwhals. You will notice them around the campus, on our sweatshirts, our hats and donning our water bottles and coffee mugs. Narwhals were chosen by the 2016 inaugural cohort of students for their uniqueness. This whale thrives using its tooth, a means of survival that sets it apart from other whales.